Welcome to churchstarting.net
We exist to promote healthy church planting in the US and beyond through teaching, training and publication of valuable and timeless resources.
What is this for?
This site is designed for anyone who is interested in learning about or doing church planting. If you are a local pastor or lay leader and would like to know how to start and grow healthy churches, we offer you the tools and resources you need in order to do this.

our leadership team

Dr. Daniel Sanchez
Distinguished Professor of Missions, SWBTS
Daniel R. Sanchez is president of Church Starting Network, Distinguished professor of Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has been involved in international missions, global teaching, church planting and evangelism for several decades. Dr. Sanchez currently teaches brothers and sisters around the world.

J. O. Terry
International Mission Board
J.O. Terry served as a missionary of the International Mission Board from 1968 to 2003. His experience in Bible Storying started in the Philippines where he developed the methodology tell Bible to win people to Christ, start churches and train leaders.

We Train
We are passionate about church starting and church growth. So much so that we have dedicated our ministry to providing quality training in English or Spanish to ministries around the world. If you would like to book us for training, please contact us.
Resources for your ministry
In addition to training which we can provide your church or ministry, we also offer access to our vast resource library that covers many topics related to church planting and growth. This includes resources in English, Spanish and guides and workbooks for teams.

Come and learn from us
Join us today and start the valuable process of building and equipping your team for local or international church planting. We make sure every class is easily understood, all students have access to our materials and that everyone will reach the same level of expertise needed for the work that the Lord has called them to.
Working hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am -4:00 pm
(Saturday by appointment only)
Our Location
2001 West Seminary Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76115
Phone:817-923-1921, ext. 6750
Email: dsanchez@swbts.edu