Ebbie C. Smith holds the Ph.D. degree in Christian Ethics and Masters Degrees in Missions and Sociology. He served 15 years as missionary in Indonesia and 24 years as Professor of Christian Ethics and Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. After retirement from Southwestern, Smith has served as Chaplain in hospices and as adjunct professor at Tarrant County College.
Basic Churches are Real Churches
Simple churches (house churches, cell churches, or basic churches) are not the only ways to spread the gospel and reach people. They are, however, one important way. This book does not contend that basic churches are the only way to do church in the 21st century. It does contend they are one way. Basic churches are real churches.
More info →Starting Reproducing Congregations
In the challenge of this new Apostolic Age, this book, Starting Reproducing Congregations, Second Edition presents an expanded and updated discussion of biblically sound principles, logically developed procedures, culturally appropriate means, and innovative, practical methodologies that can enable church starters to design effective strategies to start and multiply congregations in the USA and around the world.
More info →Starting Reproducing Congregations: A Workbook for Contextual New Church Development
This Workbook contains activities and guides to help church starters and church-starting teams actually prepare a strategy for planting a new congregation. The authors created the workbook to guide in the use of the standard textbook, Starting New Congregations.
More info →Only Jesus: Jesus Christ the One and Only Savior
Only Jesus: Jesus Christ The One and Only Savior. Church Starting Network, 2012 Ebbie C. Smith
In the face of the growing religious tolerance that teaches that salvation may be found in many sources other than personal faith in the historic Christ, Ebbie Smith, affirms the biblical teaching of the unique Savior, Jesus Christ. The study clearly demonstrates the unbiblical nature of Universalism and other wider-hope theory of salvation. Smith declares firmly that the Bible only promises salvation to those who enter a personal relationship with the living Christ during that person’s lifetime.
Smith admits that the attractiveness of wider-hope theories that promise salvation through other religions and systems. These unfounded teachings can to some degree alleviate the Christian concern for those who do not believe, especially for those who do not hear the Message of Christ. Likewise, Smith acknowledges that the Sovereign God is free to save any person the Almighty choices. This book does, however, declare that God’s Revelation in the Bible promises no other way of salvation except in Christ Jesus. We must not, says Smith, rely on any promise not in the Bible and must not promise anything not affirmed in Scripture.
The primary plea in the book is that those who hold the scriptural truth of Jesus Christ the one and only Savior be far more zealous in sharing this promise with those away from the Savior. The author leaves readers with two burning statements: First, “Is it not possible that our negligence in effective witness is the greatest liberalism of all?” Second, “Is it not possible that the most alarming sin is the Evangelical neglect of the responsibilities of effective and loving witness rather than the liberal misinterpretation of biblical teaching?
God’s Incredible Plan Participant’s Guide: A Guide to the Place of Human Action in the Efforts to Share God’s Salvation with all the Peoples of the world
The Participant's Guide for God's Incredible Plan seeks to guide readers in the study of the book using various teaching techniques.
More info →God’s Incredible Plan: A Guide to the Place of Human Action in the Efforts to Share God’s Salvation with all the Peoples of the world
God's Incredible Plan is an introduction to the study of missiology that covers the fields of the maning of missiology, the biblical and theological foundations of missions, the account of the expansion of Christianity (history of missions) and the religious, cultural, demographic, geographical, and strategic dimensions of the Christian Mission. The study seeks to present missiology to a college and diploma audience rather than a theological school level.
More info →You the Missionary
You, the Missionary stresses the biblical truth that Christians and churches should move beyond being mission-minded to becoming fully missional. Missional Christians and churches accept God's commission for making disciples among every people as their own marching orders. They engage directly and personally in the efforts to take God's love and God's message to every person in the world. These missional Christians and churches are careful never to so emphasize and engage in missions in other regions that they overlook the needs of people in their own neighborhood. Every believer and every church should strive with the Holy Spirit's empowerment to be the missionary God wants and expects all His followers to be.
More info →Plantando Iglesias Reproductivas: Un manual para el desarrollo de las iglesias nuevas
Plantando Iglesias Reproductivas, Un Manual Para El Desarrollo Contextual De La Iglesia Nueva, por Daniel R. Sánchez, Ph.D. y Ebbie C. Smith, Ph.D. es un compañero excelente para el libro, Plantando Iglesias Reproductivas. El manual guía al plantador de iglesias desde la planificación hasta la consumación del proceso de plantación. Los cuestionarios, las gráficas, y las planillas profundizan el conocimiento del plantador de iglesias en cuanto al material del libro y facilitan el diseño y la implementación de la estrategia contextualizada.
More info →Cultivando Iglesias Saludables: Nuevas Direcciones Para El Crecimiento De La Iglesia En El Siglo 21
Este estudio añade el concepto de la salud a las dimensiones de las iglesias que manifiestan crecimiento en cantidad (más grande), cualidad (mejor), y amplitud (a través de sus ministerios). Los autores afirman los principios de crecimiento y exploran las implicaciones de la salud de la iglesia.
O século XXI está destinado a causar o maior impacto na implantação de Igrejas na história do cristianismo. Isto se deve principalmente a dois fatores: um sentido profundo de fome espiritual no mundo todo e um compromisso sem precedentes com a disseminação de igrejas.
Enquanto alguns livros focalizam principalmente os princípios e outros os métodos, a intenção dos autores deste livro é oferecer ao semeador de igrejas princípios, processos e metodologias práticas para uma semeadura de igrejas contextualizada ao século XXI
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