Starting Reproducing Congregations

In the challenge of this new Apostolic Age, this book, Starting Reproducing Congregations, Second Edition presents an expanded and updated discussion of biblically sound principles, logically developed procedures, culturally appropriate means, and innovative, practical methodologies that can enable church starters to design effective strategies to start and multiply congregations in the USA and around the world.

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About the Book

In the challenge of this new Apostolic Age, this book, Starting Reproducing Congregations, Second Edition presents an expanded and updated discussion of biblically sound principles, logically developed procedures, culturally appropriate means, and innovative, practical methodologies that can enable church starters to design effective strategies to start and multiply congregations in the USA and around the world.

Authors: Dr. Daniel R. Sanchez, Dr. Ebbie Smith
Series: Church Planting
Publisher: Church Starting Network (CSN)
Publication Year: 2011
Length: 442 pages
ASIN: 0984620761
ISBN: 0984620761

List Price: 29.95
eBook Price: 9.99
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Dr. Daniel R. Sanchez

Daniel R. Sanchez (D.Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary and D.Phil. from Oxford Centre for Mission Studies) has served as missionary in Panama and the United States. He lectures worldwide leading workshops and seminars on various topics related to missions including intercultural issues, founding congregations, contextualization, and ministering in Roman Catholic cultures. He also served in congregational ministry and as a professor of missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.

Dr. Daniel R. Sánchez has served as Professor of Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas for more than twenty five years. He also ministered as a church planter, pastor, missionary in Guatemala and Panama , and Director of Missions. Dr. Sanchez holds the Master of Divinity from Southwestern Seminary, the Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Philosophy from the Oxford Centre for Missions studies in England. Sanchez has His ministry has ministered in more than fifty countries preaching, teaching, courses, and conducting workshops. His interest in worldviews as a prerequisite for effective ministry clearly shows in his thesis at Oxford: “An Interdisciplinary Approach to Theological Contextualization With Special Reference to Hispanic Americans”. This interest is also reflected in some of the books he has written such as: Church: Growth and Culture, Hispanic Realities, Sharing The Good News With Roman Catholics, Gospel in the Rosary, and Starting Reproducing Churches. (These books are available through or

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