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Food Stories from the Bible

Food Stories from the Bible

Author: J.O. Terry
Series: Bible Storying
Tag: Gospel

The Food Stories came about by requests from Bible storyers for a resource to use in ministry during famine relief and feeding programs. This book joins The Water Stories and The Hope Stories as a trilogy for use during these seasons of disaster response and relief ministries. Many of the stories are the same as storyers use for evangelism but are here told with a focus on food, feeding, and hunger while developing a growing evangelism theme. As a Bible storyer, I noticed again and again the interest in stories about food. My desire is that these stories will catch the interest of the hungry and fill their hungry hearts while a feeding ministry fills their stomachs.

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Grief Stories: Good News for those with Stories of Misfortune and Grief

Grief Stories: Good News for those with Stories of Misfortune and Grief

$21.95eBook: $8.95
Author: J.O. Terry
Series: Bible Storying
Tag: Gospel

Because of the preference for no teaching, the book includes only the stories and a brief preface for the storyer. The concept for the book was based on a doctoral study that detailed the practice of certain Asian women who gathered to tell their misfortune stories as a way of discharging their emotions. The stories are arranged chronologically but can be used in any order as a resource. The chronological arrangement provides a subtle evangelistic drift that grows more intensive toward the latter stories. The story set has found wide use not only in Asia but among women of other cultures and worldviews.

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Hope Stories from the Bible

Hope Stories from the Bible

Author: J.O. Terry
Series: Bible Storying
Tag: Gospel

Hope Stories from the Bible present a series of Bible stories that are useful in presenting biblical truth to people who are discouraged or desperate. These stories show reasons for hope even in conditions that are far less than desirable. This group of Bible stories give assurance to those suffering a variety of difficulties.

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Life Story Encounters

Life Story Encounters

eBook: $3.99

A novel presentation of a growing interest in how to respond or engage a person in exchange of life stories, first as a compassionate listener, and then a relational sharing of one’s own story, followed by an appropriate expression of God’s Story as it applies to one’s life. The book draws on the personal experiences of both Sanchez in his travel encounters and Terry in suggesting how the events in one’s own Lifestory can aid in identifying with another person. The book concludes with some suggested Bible stories as a resource that speaks to different life needs and themes.

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Oralizing Bible Stories for Telling

Oralizing Bible Stories for Telling

Author: J.O. Terry
Series: Bible Storying
Tag: Gospel

A basic book designed to guide those engaged in the method of Bible Storying in the process of preparing Bible Stories in formats that work well for oral presentation. Oralizing Bible Stories for Telling helps those who present Bible stories to non literate listeners.

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The Ebenezer Stories: Discipleship Stories for Women

The Ebenezer Stories: Discipleship Stories for Women

Author: J.O. Terry
Series: Bible Storying
Tag: Gospel

The Ebenezer Stories have been prepared for discipling women believers coming from typical Asian worldviews. The purpose of the stories is to present Jesus as the One to meet family needs, so the women will discontinue seeking help from animistic practices through beseeching the spirit world or worshiping village deities. In these cultures the women are often the family intercessor for their family needs. The title reminds that Jesus is the Rock of Salvation and the Stone of Help waiting to bless the women and their families as they faithfully follow Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

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The Holy Rosary Gospel Stories of Jesus

The Holy Rosary Gospel Stories of Jesus

$21.95eBook: $8.95

The Rosary Stories of Jesus offer a refreshing reminder of the compassion,
love, sacrifice, and promise of blessing for those who revere him, believe
that he was (and is) the Son of God, and who desire to meditate on his life and
example. The Rosary Stories are then simple reminders that we as followers
of Jesus can recall each day to express our love and devotion to a Living
Savior. These stories are but a few selected from the life and ministry of
Jesus to guide our devotion.

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Water Stories from the Bible

Water Stories from the Bible

Author: J.O. Terry
Series: Bible Storying
Tag: Gospel

Water Stories from the Bible presents a group of Bible stories centered around the subject of water. these stories have proved most effective in communicating biblical truth to people who stand in great need of water or who are experiencing some efforts to provide safe water.

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Bible Stories For the Blind: Selected Bible Stories for the Blind: Stories of Healing for the Blind to See; and Warning the Seeing Who See, but do not Perceive

Bible Stories For the Blind: Selected Bible Stories for the Blind: Stories of Healing for the Blind to See; and Warning the Seeing Who See, but do not Perceive

$9.99eBook: $4.99
Author: J.O. Terry
Series: Bible Storying

I consider this set of stories to be a resource from which the Bible storyer can choose most appropriate stories to tell. There is a range of stories about blindness, sight, perceiving, and healing. There are obviously both physical and spiritual blindness. The object is to give hope to the Blind who can “see” Jesus through the Bible stories, and in their hearts can see Jesus as they have faith in him. None of us have seen God or Jesus in person. Yet we do see both in the stories and events in our lives as we live, pray, and teach using the Bible stories.

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COSMOVISIÓN: Implicaciones para la obra misionera

COSMOVISIÓN: Implicaciones para la obra misionera

$24.95eBook: $9.99
Author: Dr. Daniel R. Sanchez
Series: Espanol
Tag: Espanol

En este libro el autor presenta las cosmovisiones más prevalentes en los grupos culturales en las Américas. Después de dar una descripción de cada cosmovisión, el autor sugiere implicaciones para la obra de evangelización y misiones. Además el autor propone puntos para reflexión adicional acerca de este tema tan importante. Él tiene la firme convicción de que es absolutamente necesario tomar en cuenta la cosmovisión de las personas para ser eficaz en la comunicación del Evangelio, el discipulado, la plantación de iglesias y el entrenamiento de líderes.

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