Gospel in the Rosary: Bible Study on the Mysteries of Christ
Gospel in the Rosary: Bible Study on the Mysteries of Christ focuses on the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries that relate closely to the life of Jesus and that are clearly presented in the Bible.
More info →Evangelio En El Rosario: Guia de Estudio
El propósito de esta Guía de Estudio es de capacitar al participante a reflexionar sobre los conceptos que se presentan en los pasajes en la Biblia que describen cada uno de los Misterios del Rosario. Esta Guía de Estudio contiene una serie de preguntas y ejercicios que facilitan el diálogo y ayudan a cada participante a responder en una manera informada y positiva a las verdades que se encuentran en cada lección de la Biblia. Jesucristo dijo: “Les aseguro que quien presta atención a lo que yo digo y cree en el que me envió, tiene vida eterna; y no será condenado, pues ya ha pasado de la muerte a la vida.” ( San Juan 5:24)
More info →Sharing the Good News with Roman Catholic Friends
Sharing the Good News with Roman Catholic Friends outlines the biblical doctrine of salvation and indicates how this message can and should be communicated with persons in the Roman Catholic tradition. The primary audiences are Evangelical Christians who desire to share the Gospel with Roman Catholics, evangelical Christians who are former Roman Catholics, and nominal Roman Catholics who have not experienced the personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The authors point to Jesus Christ who alone is the source of eternal life.
More info →Comparta Las Buenas Nuevas Con Sus Amigos Católico Romanos
En este libro examinamos asuntos relacionados con el entendimiento de la doctrina bíblica de la salvación, el espíritu con el cual se debe comunicar y los métodos más apropiados para guiar a las personas a una experienciapersonal de salvación en Jesucristo.
More info →Only Jesus: Jesus Christ the One and Only Savior
Only Jesus: Jesus Christ The One and Only Savior. Church Starting Network, 2012 Ebbie C. Smith
In the face of the growing religious tolerance that teaches that salvation may be found in many sources other than personal faith in the historic Christ, Ebbie Smith, affirms the biblical teaching of the unique Savior, Jesus Christ. The study clearly demonstrates the unbiblical nature of Universalism and other wider-hope theory of salvation. Smith declares firmly that the Bible only promises salvation to those who enter a personal relationship with the living Christ during that person’s lifetime.
Smith admits that the attractiveness of wider-hope theories that promise salvation through other religions and systems. These unfounded teachings can to some degree alleviate the Christian concern for those who do not believe, especially for those who do not hear the Message of Christ. Likewise, Smith acknowledges that the Sovereign God is free to save any person the Almighty choices. This book does, however, declare that God’s Revelation in the Bible promises no other way of salvation except in Christ Jesus. We must not, says Smith, rely on any promise not in the Bible and must not promise anything not affirmed in Scripture.
The primary plea in the book is that those who hold the scriptural truth of Jesus Christ the one and only Savior be far more zealous in sharing this promise with those away from the Savior. The author leaves readers with two burning statements: First, “Is it not possible that our negligence in effective witness is the greatest liberalism of all?” Second, “Is it not possible that the most alarming sin is the Evangelical neglect of the responsibilities of effective and loving witness rather than the liberal misinterpretation of biblical teaching?
O Evangelho No Rosário
Evangelho no Rosário é uma série de estudos bíblicos que usam os mistérios da vida de Jesus Cristo para explicar claramente sua mensagem de salvação. Cada lição da Bíblia ajuda o leitor a entender o significado do nascimento, vida, morte e ressurreição de Jesus Cristo. O propósito é que a pessoa tenha uma experiência pessoal com Jesus Cristo que resulte no perdão dos seus pecados, paz no coração, propósito na vida e a certeza de que, quando morrer, irá para o céu.
More info →Gospel in the Rosary
У цій книзі увага зосереджена на радісних, світлих, скорботних і славетних таємницях, які тісно пов’язані з життям Ісуса і чітко представлені в Біблії. У відповідності до ствердження Івана Павла ІІ, «що все в житті Ісуса є ознакою Його таємниці» і що існує потреба забезпечити біблійні основи, на яких базуються таємниці, додаткові біблійні дослідження були включені до розділу Славетні таємниці. Вони зосереджені на двох діалогах, які мав Ісус (Никодим, Самарянка), і двох притчах, яких він навчав (Про блудного сина, Багача та Лазаря). Завдяки цим біблійним урокам ми можемо прийти до більш чіткого розуміння любові Бога та місії Ісуса наблизити нас до нашого Небесного Батька та підготувати нас до нашого життя з ним на небі.
In this book the focus is on the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries that relate closely to the life of Jesus and that are clearly presented in the Bible. In keeping with the affirmation of John Paul II “that everything in the life of Jesus is a sign of his Mystery” and that there is a need to supply the Biblical foundations on which the mysteries are based, additional Bible studies have been included under the Glorious Mysteries. These focus on two dialogues that Jesus had (Nicodemus, the Samaritan Woman) and two parables that he taught (the Prodigal Son, the Rich Man and Lazarus). Through these Bible lessons we can come to a clearer understanding of the love of God and of the mission of Jesus to draw us near to our Heavenly Father, and to prepare us for our life with him in heaven.
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