Daniel R. Sanchez (D.Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary and D.Phil. from Oxford Centre for Mission Studies) has served as missionary in Panama and the United States. He lectures worldwide leading workshops and seminars on various topics related to missions including intercultural issues, founding congregations, contextualization, and ministering in Roman Catholic cultures. He also served in congregational ministry and as a professor of missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
Dr. Daniel R. Sánchez has served as Professor of Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas for more than twenty five years. He also ministered as a church planter, pastor, missionary in Guatemala and Panama , and Director of Missions. Dr. Sanchez holds the Master of Divinity from Southwestern Seminary, the Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Philosophy from the Oxford Centre for Missions studies in England. Sanchez has His ministry has ministered in more than fifty countries preaching, teaching, courses, and conducting workshops. His interest in worldviews as a prerequisite for effective ministry clearly shows in his thesis at Oxford: “An Interdisciplinary Approach to Theological Contextualization With Special Reference to Hispanic Americans”. This interest is also reflected in some of the books he has written such as: Church: Growth and Culture, Hispanic Realities, Sharing The Good News With Roman Catholics, Gospel in the Rosary, and Starting Reproducing Churches. (These books are available through www.churchplanting.net or www.sembrariglesias.net)
Igreja: Crescimento E Cultura
O objetivo deste livro é examinar os princípios bíblicos nos quais se baseia o crescimento da igreja e analisar fatores que ajudarão os líderes nacionais, pastores e leigos a contextualizar a sua metodologia para que o ministério das suas igrejas tenha verdadeira relevância no seu contexto sociocultural.
More info →Discipulado Bíblico Hispano (Spanish Edition)
En este libro, el autor busca responder la pregunta: ¿qué necesitan aprender de la Biblia las personas de herencia hispana y trasfondo católico romano, después de recibir a Jesucristo como Salvador, para convertirse en discípulos comprometidos? Al utilizar un enfoque catecístico de preguntas y respuestas, este libro analizará los dogmas católicos que se basan en tradiciones y no en las Escrituras. El objetivo de este libro es involucrar a los hispanos en un discipulado centrado bíblicamente y contextualizado culturalmente que les permita ser miembros bien informados y espiritualmente activos de una iglesia que honra al Señor y sigue Sus enseñanzas.
More info →Gospel in the Rosary
У цій книзі увага зосереджена на радісних, світлих, скорботних і славетних таємницях, які тісно пов’язані з життям Ісуса і чітко представлені в Біблії. У відповідності до ствердження Івана Павла ІІ, «що все в житті Ісуса є ознакою Його таємниці» і що існує потреба забезпечити біблійні основи, на яких базуються таємниці, додаткові біблійні дослідження були включені до розділу Славетні таємниці. Вони зосереджені на двох діалогах, які мав Ісус (Никодим, Самарянка), і двох притчах, яких він навчав (Про блудного сина, Багача та Лазаря). Завдяки цим біблійним урокам ми можемо прийти до більш чіткого розуміння любові Бога та місії Ісуса наблизити нас до нашого Небесного Батька та підготувати нас до нашого життя з ним на небі.
In this book the focus is on the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries that relate closely to the life of Jesus and that are clearly presented in the Bible. In keeping with the affirmation of John Paul II “that everything in the life of Jesus is a sign of his Mystery” and that there is a need to supply the Biblical foundations on which the mysteries are based, additional Bible studies have been included under the Glorious Mysteries. These focus on two dialogues that Jesus had (Nicodemus, the Samaritan Woman) and two parables that he taught (the Prodigal Son, the Rich Man and Lazarus). Through these Bible lessons we can come to a clearer understanding of the love of God and of the mission of Jesus to draw us near to our Heavenly Father, and to prepare us for our life with him in heaven.
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